A brand new uncluttered channel for your Internal Comms

Company magazines create a brand community for employees, shareholders, customers, partners, and other stakeholders

Your Own Internal Communications Magazine

A magazine can act as a tangible, unified vision of your company or brand for employees, stakeholders and customers alike

Brilliant content - right where your stakeholders need it

Set out your mission and keep employees informed about company-wide plans and other essential information.

Build a sense of solidarity by including content to share goals, show off employee accomplishments and case studies.

Use Magazzn to build archives of white papers, reports and more.

Create new issues with great content, update archive 24/7 and use Push to manifest company culture and stay connected.

Publishing Services

We know demand on for time is valuable - we can build your app, set up your Magazzn template and create your first issue - even publish each issue on demand.

Head on over to Publishing Services - or chat with us below to find out more.

Internal Communications IC
            Magazine App

Let us show you how to save time and money on your internal comms.